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A Beer-Chugging Unicorn: Your Next Tattoo

The playful illustrations of Nadine Schachinger are dripping in wanderlust. The Austrian-born artist's journeys to Los Angeles, Salzburg and Vienna have seeped into her art and photography; we see inspiration drawn both from mountains and cities with woodland creatures mixed with the urban grit of tattoo forms. A marshmallow puffed unicorn is playfully inked and drawn cradling a beer, a spotted diver swims deep into a lemonade abyss and the three muses wait paintently, pouting - Schachinger takes the saccharine characters of children's tales and subverts them.

We are met with familiar etchings in a thick black-lined rendering. With this technique you would be forgiven for expecting to see one of these illustartions wedged between a pair of dice and winking mermaid on the bicep of a hardened sailor.

Schachinger takes delight in her work and puts great importance on the lasting factor of her illustrations. She says: "Photography and Illustration flourishes my heart, brings passion to light and constatntly reminds me that I have found my vocation. I want to hold fast life in pictures, grab moments in a tin can. I do my job with the utmoust passion in order to light up memories for years to come."



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