A (Jerry) Frech Perspective on Star Wars
Jerry Frech has always had a penchant for the creative arts but the risk of financial instability prevented him from pursuing art beyond highschool. Instead Frech took a completely different path; he joined the army. His experience in the armed forces plays a large role in his work; we see Star Wars characters take on roles as soldiers in environments far more familiar than the landscapes we are presented with on screen. There is a realness that runs through Frech's paintings that transcends fantasy. We spoke to Jerry to ask him about his work.
The Jotter: Hi Jerry, tell us a bit about yourself and your career.
Jerry Frech: In 2006, while serving in Iraq with the 506 ESFS (USAF Security Forces) I began doing art again - mainly as an escape from my present situation at that time. One day on post, I said "I'm outta here! I'm going to follow my art and where ever it takes me."
"...an escape from my present situation at that time."
Since 2006, I have earned my BA in Art from Bluefield College and my Master of Fine Arts from Radford University. I have exhibited from CA to Chicago, and at Art BASEL in Miami, FL. I have placed in National competitions, done commissions for large companies, and have 2 pieces as part of the permanent art collection at the National Veterans Art Museum in Chicago, IL.
I never thought that following my dream would yield so many wonderful adventures! My wife, our dog, and I spend a lot of time together creating art, traveling to different shows, and teaching art. I teach at Concord University as an Adjunct Art Professor currently, when I'm not doing art.
My latest series of work centers on my love for Star Wars. I use the themes in Star Wars and pair them up with my own experiences of service in the military. I find it to be healing and therapeutic.